Thursday, March 10, 2011




I don't presume to think that anything I say in my blog will change anything or cause anyone to have a "gee whiz" moment.  I only know that when I write some of the things I out into my blog, at least I feel better and I guess that will have to be enough.  So without further delay here are some of the ducks nibbling at my ankles lately.


UNION BUSTING:  I am not a big union guy.  I spent 20 years in the Army and another 20 in US Civil Service so I never had much contact with union type things.  I am, on the other hand, pretty cognizant of the rather fantastic historic saga that finally enabled American workers to speak with one voice on matters that actually wound up benefitting us all.  Does anyone think that a 40 hour work week would have been the invention of management?  How about minimum wage legislation? Child labor laws?  Workplace safety?  Health care?  Pensions?  Vacations?  Do anyone really believe management was always in favor of any or all of these benefits?  Probably not.  I also know that votes taken in the dark of night without due representation are an anethema to democracy and undermine and weaken our core structures.  The type of votes being foisted upon voters on issues concerning unions are typical of votes taken by banana republic tin nickel dictators.  If the people are gathering at your doorstep to protest your actions, then as a leader, you need to reappraise the route you are taking.  The South seceded from the Union based on exactly this type of backroom voting and not based upon the universal wishes of the people.   How would we react if the next "vote" targeted anyone who did not make a certain amount of money or own real estate?  How about a "vote" concerning anyone who belongs to any group opposing pro-life issue or who seek sane gun control procedures?  Would we lose our right of access to college scholarships, pension benefits, or Federal health care.  That's how Mr. Hitler targeted any opposition groups.  "Vote" to cut off their benefits. 


TEN COMMANDMENTS IN SCHOOLS:  A few schools in my neck of the world have begun to "encourage" efforts to post the Christian Ten Commandments in schools.  So far wiser heads have prevailed especially when they learn just how much the lawsuit will cost them.  Now the kids are posting them on their lockers claiming it is their right to do so since the locker and the school belong to them and staging demonstrations during classroom hours.   First and foremost they are most certainly wrong on a number of fronts.  First and foremost, the Christian scripture enjoins its followers to pray alone and quietly so that their worship is not an excuse to flaunt their flaunt piousness.   Nothing quiet and silent about walking around the school grounds carrying posters when they should be taking advantage of the taxes I paid to give them a good education.  I want my money back.  Next, they want what they refer to as the Ten Commandments posted in schools in violation of Federal Law.  Actually the so called Ten Commandments as we know them never existed.  There were actually over 600 "Commandments" given to Moses by the Diety ranging is matters of health, slavery, marriage, forbidden foods, taboo customs, and just lots and lots of things many of which are still followed by very Orthodox Jews.  The whiley and sneaky Christians whittle those hundreds down to ten easy to follow rules only three or four of which are actually against civil law the remainder being faith based only.  If you're going to post the Commandments of the Pentateuch at least have the courtesy to post them all.   There is the issue of who actually owns the school and its properties and who actually has "rights."  The courts have fallen clearly on the side of the school and its property belonging to the taxpaying citizenery.  Not many high school teeny boppers qualify as citizens having not yet reached 18 and therefore they don't really exist in the eyes of the law.  Their lockers are not their private property as evidenced by any drug shakedown that might go on in the hallways where they will find their lockers opened and searched.  Finally, how about simple courtesy for your fellow students and school cadre who may not believe as you do and do not wish to have your beliefs shoved into their face.   I don't like NASCAR but I don't post signs in my yard telling everyone.  I don't like the British Government much either but again no signs in my yard and no bumper stickers.  Maybe our kids should concern themselves more with clean air and water but again do it on your own time and not on my taxpayer time.


TAX DISPARITIES:  I won't harp much on this one since the data is actually there for anyone to see unless being a sheep has blinded you to what is going on anywhere else except the sheep butt in front of you.  If not taxing the wealthy is a sure road to economic prosperity how come the six separate tax breaks the wealthy received under Bush II resulted in a collapse of the US economy and 10+ unemployment rates?  Why is that people making $70K and below pay well over 80% of the taxes while over 90% of the actual wealth of this nation is held by less than 3% of the population who rarely pay any taxes at all?  Why is that Congress wants to cut out NPR, Federal funded scholarships, health care, EPA issues, programs for the less fortunate etc. while awarding $700B in tax cuts to the wealthy?  Shame on us!!!


ABORTION RIGHTS:  First and foremost it is the law of the land.  That should be the end of it.  However, if the Conservatives wing of the American populace want to ignore the real issues that we face in this country to sermonize their beliefs (see a couple of paragraphs above), then at least have a woman do the sermonizing.  Abortion is not a male issue anymore than prostate disease is a female issue.  Yet, I ask you when was the last time you saw a woman deeply involved in the whole abortion issue.  When Mitch McConnell or John Boehner begin having menstrual cramps then they will have earned the right to discuss female procreation issues. 


MUSLIM HEARINGS IN CONGRESS:  What the heck does Rep. King think he is doing?  I had almost forgotten how to spell Joseph McCarthy and up pops this old IRA supporting clown from New York. I know that is there are any Muslims in America who have become disaffected, King's (et. al) hearing should suffice to tip them over the line to a full blown threat.  I have Muslim friends, but then I have conservative friend as well, so I am pretty open to differing thoughts and logic trails.  I can assure you that what King is doing has no respectable goal and will only foment hatred and mistrust and make us worse for the exercise.  Like I said, I had almost forgotten how to spell old Joe McCarthy's name. 


  1. I'll start with your first knot of rambling. What good is a system or program such as the union if people are just going to abbuse it. Sure it was a good thing at one point in time but now it has just made people lazy. In the private work sector you get what you get and thats all there is to it. If you want your retirement you do it yourself with either a 401k or IRA there is no pension plans, vacations, or insurance, and if you are allowed to have these luxuries it is through the kindness of your employer. The unions did fight hard to get workers the rights and working conditons they needed but in the process they crippled themselves. As for those pansy democrats they were fighting off the undenible and for the record the republicans did everything strictly by the books and even warned there fellow co-workers that there would be a vote no matter what. Me personally I believe the democrats that left state should have been impeached; just like any other worker would have been fired for not showing up to work they to should have been. The Wisconsin state goverment just got fed up with argueing with these people over every little thing so finally they stepped up and said enough is enough. Seeing as how the state is 43 billion dollars in debt the stae employees are lucky they didn't just cut there pensions all together. Its pretty hard for the state of Wisconsin to pay more and more money when they don't have any.
    Next I find your little rant about the students wanting to show there religion cute and entertaining but it is completely off track. The way I see it these teens are rebelling a completey normal teenage activity. For gods sake there is a lot worse they could be doing than voiceing there opinion about the bible, its comandments, and where they should be posted. I guess you would rather them be forming gangs or doing drugs basicly anything other than speaking out about there right to religion. Or would you rather them be scared to speak up for there rights like every one else in America. Take your pick. Furthermore if you would like get technicle about Jesus himself said there were only two main commandments on which all others should be based upon. (Mathew 22, 36-40) As for it not being the lockers personal property I completely disagree. Typicaly the students pay for those lockers and in terms it would be called a lease but just like with any "property" if certain athourities feel it is neccesarry and that there is proper cause then yes it will be searched. High School is when young adults really start entering the real world and thus they should be treated as such not as if they were a bunch of no-account pre-schoolers. Cut them some slack if not you will end up with a bunch of ninny's. This is really all I have to say for right now or at least until your next bit of rambles come along.

    Cody J Donnally

  2. The Wisconsin thing is interesting and sad at the same time. Too many people are focused on the effect and not the cause. I "get it" that the state government doesn't have any money, but why did that change in the last couple years? Why isn't somebody asking "where is the money, and where did it go?". The answer to that question should be make people angry, not that we are paying public servants a pension.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank your Mr. Donnally for your comments. As for unions..they fought hard for worker rights and as a result, even non-union members benefitted e greatly from their very real sacrifices. To suddenly begin to strip them of their rights and history is not only unfair but very undemocratic. True democracy will have its say in the3 end however as evidenced by the collapse of the Governor's popularity and a deepening distrust of Republican intentions. By the way, Wisconsin's financial problems did not occur last week. They were caused by investments made by the State into stocks and bonds that ultimately failed because of Conservative fiscal policies and not because of my pensions or any other hard working American. As posting of Christian or Hebraic doctrine on public school properties, as noted before, it is against Federal law and simply being young and ill informed is not an excuse cor breaking the laws. The lockers they "lease" still belong to the taxpayer and posting of any non-school literature is still a violation of most school policies and in the case of religious doctrine, against the law of the United States. Would it be OK if I posted advertisements for a strip parlor, used car lot, MsDonalds special of the week, wedding announcements, or Muslim prayer schedules?. These all have the same standing according to you and the law - they are not relat4d to educational policy and therefore if I am an rambunctious teenager, I should be able to post these things even if they offend others or are inappropriate in schools. The schools and ALL of its property belong to the citizens and taxpayers and should be treated as property not to be desecrated or carelessly abused. Again, thanks for your comments.


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