Doncha just luv em"
If my conservative friends and fellow citizens were not so silly and pathetic, I could almost get upset at their rantings and ravings. Unfortunately I find myself in the crazy position of actually being able to read and to use my own mind without the need to jump into a line of other sheep who will gladly do my thinking for me. I just find it more to my liking to be able to first hear a story, then do a little research and then, and only then, actually use my own mind to make my own decision on whether to accept the initial story. And….I do this without even one person forcing tea down my throat. Here are just a few of the items I have had a chance to mull over in the last few weeks. Please dear friends note that I am not proselytizing in the big conservative tent. I am only voicing my own opinion without the need for sheep to follow, tea merchants, or any preconceived notions about my own superb intellect or the failing and faltering mental capabilities my dear and cherished conservative buddies. OK, here goes:
The tragedy of 9/11 resulted in an immediate death toll of almost 3,000 of this nations citizens and non-citizens who were doing nothing more earning a living as best they could. Now over a decade later, there is another statistics that is surprising. In the US during this time period over 250,000 of those same citizens died as a result of the free exercise of our 2nd amendment rights to own handguns. As a result of 9/11 Americans have been frightened into surrendering many of their personal rights and sense of privacy. We now accept that our phone lines, computers, medical records, library records, personal mail and bank accounts are a matter of free discussion now among our Government employees, all for the loss of 3,000 of our cherished men and women. However after a quarter million bloody deaths our answer has been to even further ease any remaining restrictions on the purchase and carrying of handguns. In Virginia they want to allow concealed weapons in churches. I am not sure what "protection" a citizen needs in church but if it that tough maybe they should consider another church or bible studies at home. But, hey, as an old War Vet whose does not see the need for any weapons in my home, what the heck do I know.
My conservative buddies see the issue of abortion to be so overwhelmingly important that in the face of financial collapse, they chose to argue the issue of direct and indirect funding for abortions to debate. This debate goes on even as we was continue to have one a health system that now is rated right along with other third world nations (#23 in the world), failing educational preparedness for our next generation, endemic hunger for our most vulnerable citizens, the poor and the aged, collapsing infrastructure for our transportation systems, 30 million unemployed, and the list goes on…but interfering with a women's right to make her own decisions simply flies in the face of a political policy that demands lockstep allegiance for all of its policy's. With whatever few dollars that fall out of the wallets of the very wealthy tax break recipients, I hope someone can amass enough money to at least begin to clean up our alleys. Women will be using them a lot more in the future I fear and I would hope that they can be cleaned up a bit first.
I saw the President's budget hit the street yesterday and literally within a matter of minutes, it was being universally attacked by my conservative buddies. This is a document that is literally measured in pounds and not pages, yet my buddies were apparently able to speed read that multi-thousand pages of unbelievably complex mathmatics and bookkeeping jingo and to form opinions on the worth of this document all in a matter if minutes. Yet, this is the same group if electorates that noted they were not given sufficient time to read the 2,000 pages of the health care bill with which to make a knowledgeable decision. They only had a little over nine months and that did not seem sufficient but a document three times that size and far more complex required only minutes to completely study and research enough to make broad statements concerning the documents worth. Ya just got to luv that kind of stupity… Oh well I am sure they have a better solution. I mean they have had over a year to produce a solution considering that this is a document that was suppose to be submitted in September 2010 and contains the budget for fiscal year 2010-2011. This would have been before the November 2010 elections so my liberal buddies have to share the blame but only until November. Since then it has been all a Conservative dog and pony show and I am sure they have their own budget document ready to go…What's that – They Don't. I mean they have had over a year. Well when will they be ready to submit a budget for the year that is almost half gone now? According to the good old boy in the GOP – look for it around April. That's pretty good since three months after that, the budget for 2012 will be due. Good luck Tea Party girls and boys. But heck since most of you newbies are sleeping on cots in your office you should have plenty of time on your hands. Now there is dignity for you – a cot in a Federal building…Tough living on $176,400 a year plus benefits.
But like I said…these are only my opinions and unlike my conservative friends, they reflect my thoughts and my thoughts only…no poking from the sidelines or cue cards in the back row.
Interesting that both topics involve "big government" -- the government in your lives. On one hand the government shouldnt force me to register my gun on the other hand the government should tell a woman what to do with her body. Any discussion on big government is really a discussion of the government isn't doing what I want them to do. Even the conversatives want big government when it suites their agenda. Same for the liberals. But it's time we all called a spade a spade.
ReplyDeletePete Kim
ReplyDeleteIf you would please, I would like to start by stating the old cliche "Absolute power corrupts Absolute". All politician by nature are egotistical and self righteous. This is learned through the years of training they received through taking free money, people kissing their rears and doing anything and everything they need to be on top. Now you put these people together with differing political views and agendas we get the perfect storm of lies, deficit, social policies that are contradictions to the everyday folks earning a living.
Too many of our politicians are wrapped around it's us v. them mentality that they always loose the message of their voters. I've been working for the Fed. Govt for 13 years now ( no way near Mean Gene's tenure) but have seen how many idiots we have in the Govt making over $175,000/yr (GS-15s and SESs) that are not qualified to lead a horse to water. With that being said, we (citizens) leave too much to chance, hope and faith to our elected officials. Sure we buy into their righteous banter during elections and tell us they're going to fix the mess we are in now. But they never do. I hear all the crap about who sucks and who is stupid in the political world but I've seen middle school kids with more moral fortitude than the political idiots we watch on MSMBC and Fox.
I fear for the Republic!