I don't have any answers to the issue I am going to raise here but I just wanted you to think about a problem that has bothered me for some tome now. It goes right to the heart of another issue – how easy it is to promulgate a lie on the American people. To best understand what I will cover you need to begin thinking in very large numbers. OK here goes nothing. Imagine a Jurassic era world with an unusual trait. It seems all of the animals in this area are gathered in about a dozen places in this world. They are not just gathered at these sites but they packed in almost shoulder to shoulder for miles in all directions. They live their lives in this manner and die virtually at the same site in which they were born. These are not little barnyard animals but rather behemoths weighing in at over fifty tons adult weight. They have been gathering at these sites for millennia in a world that must have been simply overcome with enough flora, fauna and fresh water to feed these millions of animals and the supply of food and water has been continuous for the same number of millennia that the animals have existed. When they die, they apparently do so in similar close order fashion and apparently with each succeeding death stacked on top of the preceding death. Then something in this strange world happens that causes these huge piles of cadavers to become covered with some substance that prevents these bodies from simply withering away into dust. Instead they are completely covered and shi4elded from the natural influences that would shrivel these bodies into nothing but rather they continued to sink deeper and deeper into the earth where pressure and other natural forces drains and coverts the hydrocarbons from these bodies and deposited them into deep pools to await harvesting by man millions of years later. That is how we are supposed to accept the formation of deep oil in our mantel. Now let's look at this fairy tale a little closer. One dinosaur under the most perfect natural conditions would produce a couple of barrels of oil. Now that presumes that no other predator ate some of the deceased dinosaur. It also presumes that the body was not allowed to be exposed to a week or two of sunlight and air which would greatly decompose the cadaver. Instead it presumes that the dead lizard gets buried under a very deep covering of protective silt almost immediately and then be subjected to just the right amount of heat and pressure to cause the chemical change required to covert the rotting corpse into petroleum. Now since our oil deposits are found in only a few narrow geographic areas of the world, this dead animal would have to have been accompanied by billions of like animals all of whom died, got covered immediately and were then exposed to the identical chemical and physical processes needed to convert them to oil. This fairy tale also assumes there was enough of these well handled cadavers to produce the billions of gallons of oil that we have harvested in the last century or so at a rate of about one hundred gallons per adult beast. Oh oh…now that pesky thing called math takes over. Even if you can accept that in about ten places of the world over a period of about a million years, all the animals of the world came to one of these sites to die and be covered over completely the number requirements simply does not compute. There simply were not enough animals to produce the amount of oil we have thus far harvested. Remember these brutes would have eaten tons of food each day and the billions of animals that would have had to exist at one time just so maybe a couple of hundred thousand got a "proper burial" does not conform to what we know or surmise about how they lived and roamed the earth. So if billions of dinosaurs gathering in Prudhoe Bay, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia or Odessa, Texas didn't produce the oil what did? A Russian astrophysicist named Andre Velikov came up with a much more believable solution. Let me know if you want me to let you in on his theories. They are really fascinating.
I did some work a few years ago for a green summit to promote videoconferencing (what I do to pay the bills).
ReplyDeleteHere are some fun facts:
1. Assuming the weight of a T-Rex is about 6 metric tons (most living matter is 18% carbon) which means 1100kg of carbon.
2. 92 Octane (C8H18) has 84% carbon and a density of 0.75 gm/cc
3. A gallon of gasoline is about 3785 cc therefore 3785 cc * 0.75 gm/cc *85%/1000 = 2.38 kg carbon/gallon
4. Mass of the T-Rex carbon divided by the gasoline carbon = 462 gallons of gasoline per T-Rex
5. A 20mpg automobile will use approximately 3/4 of a T-Rex in fuel per year.
Now multiply the number of cars on the road right now (and for the last century) and this gives you a good idea of how much 'perfect dinosaur mass' had to be created by the right process into oil.
It is an interesting topic.
Now add the amount of fuel a modern day SUV i.e. Hummer, or the number of tanks and other heavy military vehicles used worldwide burning diesel and I am sure a T-Rex plus and the numbers get even more out of wack.