Just look at some of the stories floating around the ether lately and you can get a real deep sense of anxiety on where this nation and it's citizens are headed. The Governor of Louisiana signed into law a new bill now making it legal to carry a concealed weapon into church. I distinctly recall Catholic Mass being held under a very large nylon cargo parachute as big as a circus tent. Less than ten miles away, our soldiers were engaged in a nose to nose fight with enemy soldiers near the road to the Ashau Valley. Men were dying in the obscenity of war but guess what? We had to stack our weapons outside the chapel during services. We did so without griping or yelling some idiocy about our Second Amendment Rights even though we were actually the "militia" referenced by the founding fathers. Go figure!! Now our good citizens are espousing a need to defend themselves in church. First and foremost let's not forget that this is "God's House" and if he/she decides to mug you in Church for whatever reasons, your silly sidearm is not going to be much of a deterrence against his/her omnipotence. If, on the other hand, you are concerned with your safety being threatened by mere mortals...maybe you need to consider another church. Have we gone totally crazy??
We accept the government's authority to require us to register dogs, cars, motorcycles, airplanes, voter registrations, explosives, fishing and hunting licenses, sporting licenses i.e parachuting, hot air balloons and our ability to receive public utilities in our homes. Yet when we ask our citizens to register their private firearms the squall can be heard all the way to Timbuktu. The same squealers scream even louder when we try to control how many guns they can purchase and to whom they can sell these obscene tools of human death. These whiners note their opposition in some obscure mumbling about their fear of the government and the anticipation that such registries would be used to confiscate their weapons when the government finally gets too strong. This attitude makes these little boys and phallic symbol worshippers little more than an underground future terrorist organization bent on destroying the government when "they" decide it has become too powerful. Bubba, I am not sure I want you to be the one making that critical choice in the future of democracy. But don't worry, we know where you live, what type of car/pickup you drive, what kind of dogs you own, where you do your hunting and fishing and how you voted last term. If we take away your dog and pickup truck Bubba, and then suspend your fishing and hunting license we will have effectively disarmed you. We are watching you!!! Have we gone completely crazy??
The Gulf of Mexico has become a greasy mess and is slated to become even worse. Yet amid all of this gushing oil, we find two very weird groups of people both related in their causes and both as nonsensical as the other. One group strongly opposes and moratorium are further deep water drilling to permit the Government to check safety features and emergency procedures. The other related group strongly wants more drilling to begin. In both case the reasoning stems from the supposed loss of income that drilling rigs bring to the economy. Of course the fact that the gushing well is doing it thing BECAUSE no one was checking their safety procedures and no one had any ideas how to stop a broken well does not seem to matter just as long as "I get mine!!!" Of course the destruction that this well has caused will ultimately impact everyone on the coast and perhaps everyone in the US and possibly the world does not seem to matter as long as "I get mine first!!!" Have we gone completely crazy?? .
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed the reading material I feel you are right on when it comes to the gulf Coast but I see you are still faulty when it comes to gun control. You can not blame hundreds of murders a day on guns far less try to say that without these guns there would be less murders. Don’t get me wrong guns should never be allowed in church but remember once upon a time in a American history nearly every mans hip in the country had a gun on it. But seeing as how we should appear more civilized an politically correct those times changed an faded away to the point in which if any man straps on his 45. he is instantly labeled a murder or thug that is going to stir up trouble. BuGene I really enjoyed the reading material I feel you are right on when it comes to the gulf Coast but I see you are still faulty when it comes to gun control. You can not blame hundreds of murders a day on guns far less try to say that without these guns there would be less murders. Don’t get me wrong guns should never be allowed in church but remember once upon a time in a American history nearly every mans hip in the country had a gun on it. But seeing as how we should appear more civilized an politically correct those times changed an faded away to the point in which if any man straps on his 45. he is instantly labeled a murder or thug that is going to stir up trouble. But my point is that limiting these " tools of human death" is not going to stop murders across the country. So should we then start making people register knives or ropes to make sure they don’t stab or strangle somebody. I think not. As for Bubbas becoming a terrorist group, be realistic. THEY ARE TO STUPID!!! Governments only start having problems when they start limiting the publics right an freedoms history has showed us that time an time again an this case is know different. Just keep in mind that not all guns were meant to kill.
Actually my friend ALL guns are designed to kill. Target shooting is only a way to learn to kill better. As for a time in history when nearly everyone wore a hip gun. That, of course, is pure TV hype. MOST people in the US then as well as today did not own any weapons whatsoever. They were expensive, not very reliable and not really needed except when people went into the wild frontier at which time they needed them for protection against ANIMALS and not other humans. As for blaming hundreds of murders on gun owners - who else! The fact is that MOST killings by guns are committed by people who know each other and not by evil bad guys roaming the streets on the prowl. Would these same acquaintances reach for a knife instead of a gun when they get into drunken family squabbles? Probably but it is a hell of lot harder to kill someone with a knife than it is to try to outrace a bullet. MOST gun deaths are regretted by the person doing the killing and like I said, MOST gun death is committed by people who know each other. I still believe every gun (rifle or hand gun) should have a factory ballistics test with the results placed on file. When a person buys a weapon they will need to JUSTIFY why they need the weapon i.e. for hunting, for personal protection but only because they are in positions to need personal protection like people who make bank deposits from business and such. They should be required to register the weapon and pass on any sales to other individuals by deregistering and re-registering the new owner (just like a car). Any actions taken to change the ballistic signature of the weapon will be a criminal offense and bar the defendant from any further gun ownership. It was legal to own slaves and the government change the law. It was illegal to drink alcohol and the government change the law...simply regulating something as vicious and deadly as a gun does not deny freedoms...in fact it assist the MAJORITY of Americans who do not see the need to own guns...and once again, I repeat ALL guns are in fact designed go kill. ALL handguns are designed to kill humans since they are not legal for hunting in any of the 50 US States. By the way, all soldiers have to register their private weapons and concealed or open carrying of private weapons is strictly forbidden on ALL Federal installations and in all Federal buildings. Soldiers and Police Officers in all 50 States found guilty of spouse abuse are no longer permitted to carry weapons EVER and for the military this normally means you are kicked out of the Service. SO you can see that not everyone in the US are stupid...the Federal Government still seems to have some common sense.