Monday, April 23, 2012




I am rather at odds with my adopted country's terrible fascination with death disguised as "protection."  There are currently enough personal side arms in the United States to probably arm the entire adult population with one firearm each.  I have listened and spoken at length with some of the most rabid pro-gun advocates in the past couple of months and several facts became evident to me (or at least facts from the folks with whom I spoke).  I spoke with perhaps fifty people ranging in age from 18 to 68.

-       The people I spoke with were about 50% ex-military folks but most of them had performed duties that did not keep them on "front lines."  In the military we say that these people were assigned to non-combat arms assignments.   Think – mechanics, cooks, clerks, medics, supply folks and key people like that. 

-       Probably less than 15% had actually participated in combat operations i.e "actually saw shots fired in as anger."

-       A few had been wounded in combat.

-       None of them had ever been assaulted or threatened in a one on one situation by another person.  No one had ever been mugged, had a weapon pulled on them or felt that their lives were being threatened personally by one or more individuals.

-       Only the former military members had ever killed another human being

All of them, to differing degrees, believed strongly that they saw the need to own personal firearms to"protect" themselves and/or their families.


Are you seeing the irony here?  These "gun nuts" believe they need the personal protection of a firearm even though none of the folks I spoke with had ever been threatened.  They all believed strongly that they would have no compunctions about killing another human being who displayed intentions to do them bodily arms or to steal personal property from them.   Each and everyone of them would "stand their ground" and everyone of them believed killing another human being in these situations is not only necessary but in fact, is an expression of personal patriotism.   So if someone is seen fumbling around their garage while attempting to steal their five year old Toro lawnmower, they have the right, nay, the "obligation" to kill them.  This is what this country has devolved to – a country where a human life is not worth more than a $20 used lawnmower.   To insure that they remain protected at all times, they want to be able to carry their weapons everywhere their day takes them including schools, County rec centers, shopping malls, airports and even churches.   They also want literally unrestricted abilities to purchase as many weapons as they wish including assault rifles, Teflon (body armor piercing) ammunition, pistols with modified 30 round magazines.  Have we, as a nation, become so  "wussified" that we think there arte bad people who only purpose in life is to hunt us down and kill us.   Shame on us as a nation for allowing this to happen. 


I am combat veteran who wore a "Green Beret" for many years.  I have been shot in battle, lived through numerous assaults on the sites where I was positioned and I met my adversary on numerous occasions on the field of battle and came out the victor.   Killing never came routine or easy for me.  I was trained well and survived the terror and emotions associated with battle.  Today I view my former enemies with respect and admiration.  I do not share the same respect and admiration for my "neighbors" who seem not only very willing but in fact, very anxious to take a life.   For all of you who read this – please note that I am "officially" qualified on over sixty firearms.  I have probably fired over a quarter million rounds of ammunition in training and combat.  Are you ready for this – I do not own any firearms and will not permit people into my home who carry personal weapons, concealed or open display.  The walls of my home arte like most peoples – drywall and wood frame.  A bullet would pass through most of my walls before losing its lethality.  There will be no "firefight in my home."   The most valuable item in my home is my wife.  I will gladly assist any thieves who enter my home with the intention of stealing my personal goods.   But this is just me talking now and I know that more and more of my neighbors can hear thumps in the night and know that they are being sought out by unknown assailants even as we speak.  At any rate, please "neighbor" don't count on me to be of any help when "they" finally come to take away your guns.  You are on your own when the world collapses and marauders begin to surround your bunker. 



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