Chicken Little has a strong following in Congress
As we enter the New Year and a new form of government – government by clowns – I am preparing myself for a flood of doom and gloom rhetoric that will especially emanate from the new disciples of mirth and silliness. Before the coming of Spring rest assured we will be told of the pending destruction of the United States if the "people: don't immediately hit the rewind button on President Obama's two year reign as a secret foreign born Muslim pretender. We will be told over and over that all of the laws and new regulations signed into law by this regime were done in complete secrecy and totally without the consent of the governed. Even though this electorate generated more filibusters and 60% cloture votes than have been presented in the last half century. Still they will want you to believe that Congress was never consulted on any of these rather earth moving new laws designed to benefit Americans and their children and strengthen social safety nets. This type of "2012" destruction rhetoric, of course, has as much factual basis as does the Mayan "2012" predictions but it's nothing new. Let me take you back to some of the previous doomsayers who saw total collapse in the Government's efforts to seek laws that directly benefitted our citizen's.
1. "We are forcing all citizen's, regardless of need, into a compulsory government program. It is socialized medicine, and one of these days, you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children, and our children's children, what it once was like in America when men were free." (Ronald Reagan)
2. "The Federal Income Tax," a Senator from New York said a century ago, "might mean an end of our 'distinctively American experiment of individual freedom.
3. "Social Security is actually a plan to Sovietize America." (Chairman, US Chamber of Commerce, 1935)
4. "The minimum wage and mandated overtime pay are steps in the direction of Communism, Bolshevism, Fascism and Nazism." (National Association of Manufacturers, 1938)
5. After Brown v. Board of Education outlawed school segregation in 1954, 101 members of Congress signed a statement calling the ruling an instance of 'naked judicial power' that would sow 'chaos and confusion' and diminish American greatness.
6. In 1964, the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal described civil rights marchers as "asking for trouble" and civil rights laws as being on "the edge of constitutionality."
The various bills laws signed into by Mr. Obama have, for the most part, joined this list of prophetic doomsayers. I guess we should all begin digging our bunkers now and stocking up on food in preparation for the inevitable.
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