When did Americans become such wussies? We are actually trembling in our boots at the idea of bringing the GITMO detainees to the US for incarceration and hopefully a proper trial. To hear some people talk, these men have in some way taken on mythical powers that would enable them to overcome high security gaol facilities in the US. They would allgedly be able to mesmerize the guards and then pass invisibly throiugh walls of reinforced steel and concrete. Of course no one mentions that they are currently held in chain link fenced compounds with only a handful of guards at a location less than one mile from a regime that would probably grant them some sort of sanctuary...yet no one has escaped yet. Hmmmm, but sure as hell, if we bring them to a supermax facility they would escape immeduately and using their mystical and mythical pwers, rise up and destroy us all. By the way, breaking into a supermax is even harder than breaking out so I doubt all of those sneaky terrorists who allegedly flood into the US from Mexico would have little luck in freeing these evil wizards.
As for trying a few of them in New York..what's the big deal? They tried the "Blind Sheik" in NY and found him guilty of attacking the twin towers once before. There were no mass riots by the Muslim world and no attempts on the lives lf any court officials or jurors. What would happen if he were found innocent due to a technicality such as being repeatedly tortured (163 water boardings), given no access to attorney, had no rights explained to him etc..Well exactly what would happen...He would be released onto the streets of Manhatten...just how long do you think he would last with them dudes???
By the way, he does have rights afforded to him by our system of jurisprudence. He is NOT a prisoner of war. To be a POW, he would have to have been an enemy soldier captured during a declared war. Congress did not declare war and ONLY Congress can declare war - Not Cheny, not Bush and most certainly not Karl Rove. What this guy did was commit mass murder in a crimianl undertaking so he MUST be tried in a criminal court. We tried Timothy McVeigh in a civilian court. We tried Noriega in a civilian court. Spies are tried in civilian courts. We have a great judiciual system and we should not be the least bit apprehensive about trotting it out in front of the world. Let the world compare our system of law to others systems such as the Sharia, miltary dictatorships etc. I think we win hands down. If justice is in fact blind, then we should have no fears whatsoever about putting each and everyone of them on trial in full public view. Let them testify and spew their propaganda as long as they wish...certainly we can only benefit from the comparson between us and them. If the previous regime has so tainted their testimony that it cannot be used in a civilized court of law, so be it. Try them on merit and if they are found innocent, turn them loose on the streets of New York or put them on a plane and send them into the conflict of Waziristan...then bomb the hell out of them. oops...
Health care - Let's pull back completely and stop paying for any type of health care not already covered by employers. Anyone not covered..oh well!!! They probably don't deserve to live anyway. At least the millions of us already covered by a US GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED OPTION (Civil Service health care, and military TRICARE, Congress etc.).. can just thumb our noses at the 85M folks who will just have to suffer quietly until or if they live to be 65 and can sign up for MEDICARE. In the meantime since I am fully covered, why do I care if insurance companies keep jumping up their rates and Docs keep making fortunes overprescribing treatments and tests. Folks who don't have insurance can just keep calling EMTs to their homes for aches and pains or visiting emergency rooms for every fever or sniffle. As for me, as long as I have mine..to hell with the rest of the populace...Like most Americans I am only out for myself anyhow, so why do I want to share any of my wealth with the less fortunate...that's Sally Struther's job not mine...and besides we know that folks on the dole only use the money for dope, plasma TVs and Mercedes cars...to hell with that...giving health care to sick people is simply unAmerican (of course it's a pretty Christian thing to do) but I drop my buck in the plate every Sunday so I am covered as far as heaven goes.
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