Thursday, July 22, 2010

Let's look at some "facts" instead of hype

In the following few paragraphs, I am going to try to I am going to try my best to be as neutral as I can noting only the facts as I see them or have read about them in various media.  The topic is the current administration and how it has been treated by the press and my friends and neighbors.  I will undoubtedly make a mistake or two especially in regards to actual numbers and statistics but look past these errors for what I am really trying go convey in the message. 

To begin with, it was a monumental vote that placed a black man at the helm of this great nation.  Much of what has happened since then is that simple fact in itself.  Not only has a liberal moved into the Whitehouse, property often thought to belong only to the Conservatives, but a black liberal on top of it.  A person holding a political office in rural West Virginia confided to me that although she was a yellow dog democrat she simply could not bring herself to vote for a black.  I heard this not once but literally dozens of times from all sorts of voters during the election and though I may have at first attempted to take the time to explain Mr. Obama's agenda, I soon realized that this door was closed and that was that.  Since taking the Whitehouse, America has allowed its 1950s style fears to once again take over.  Mr. Obama was not looked upon as a prominent lawyer who sold over two million copies of his book BEFORE he ran for national office.  Nope, he was the reincarnation the Black Panther, Black Muslim, civil rights marching radical extremist who somehow illegally stole the office of the Presidency and now, that he is there he has some secret socialistic jihad agenda to destroy America.  So far he has not sought to take anyone's weapons away from them and has not decreed Christianity forbidden.  He has won all of his major actions by clear majorities and in most cases super majorities of Congress.  He eschewed backroom politics in favor of presenting his issues openly and in some cases to public forums and at none of these did I see a single leather coated black beret body guard.  Yet even though the voice of the people as expressed in its Congress has spoken in favor of his major policy decisions, a very loud minority within the Congress has in essence said that the people are wrong and that they, this very vocal minority, will speak over the wishes of the people. 

Let's look at just a few of the half truths or outright deceptions being given out as fact to the American people by this vocal minority. 

1)   The President will pay for his health care reform by cutting Medicare for the aged.
            Truth:  Mr. Obama noted he will help pay for his health reforms by eliminating   $500M from Medicare in the form of attacking waste,      fraud and abuse in   Medicare. Last week he conducted a seven State raid and stopped $250M insuch abuse.  Another six or seven States and he will have met his goal and no money will have been cut except money being paid to criminals.

2)  Mr. Obama must accept a lion's harem of the responsibility for not taking immediate steps to stop the BP oil spill.
            Truth:  Under Federal law passed under George W Bush, when an oil disaster occurs, the offending oil company is the action agency to halt the spill.  The US Government does not have any indigenous oil spill equipment in its arsenal    and must rely on private industry to react accordingly.  Would sending 10,000 or even 50,000 National Guardsmen have helped.  Not likely since they are trained for population control and not oil spill cleanup.  The US Coast Guard was on site within hours and stayed there until even now.  National assets (satellites and spy type planes) were put at the disposal of the cleanup effort the same day.  Mr. Obama visited the site within seven days but note that the presence of the President at such catastrophes is not a help but rather a hindrance.  Security procedures, dog and pony shows and low level politicians seeking photo ops do not assist anyone.  Think back on every time you saw the President and all of the toadies who gathered around him.  Not much beach cleaning was going on was it?

3)  Mr. Obama should have out his best brains on the problem to stop the oil spill.
            Truth:  He did and guess what? Brain trust advised against most of the gimmicks now being put into place by the same toadies who gathered around the President.  Sand berms?  They are using sand from the ocean bottoms right off shore which deepen the harbors and dramatically change the tide patterns  ESPECIALLY during tidal surges that accompany hurricanes.  Good luck New Orleans.   The berms are also made of sand which will at first soak up the oil then when the first hard wind comes and sloshes over the berms they will dissolve in the rush of the oncoming water and release their soaked up stored oil much further inland now driven by this tidal surge.  Good luck upper Mississippi River basin.  But Bobby Jindal knows more than all the scientist so the berm building goes on. 

Those are just a few items from the current headlines.  Undoubtedly the Tea Party will be able to conduct its scare campaign against blacks and liberals and gin up a lot of spit and vinegar but in the end – inside the voting booth, the American people have a way of shoveling their way through the cow dung and I expect they will do so this coming November as well.  If they do fall victim to the hype, much like a bad haircut, it is only a matter of time until they can see what they have unloosed upon our nation and allow the same voting booth fix the problem.

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