A Lack of Communication
Sorry for having been so quiet for so long but I knew if I got started I would soon become totally irrational given the babble that has been spewing from those who we trust to keep the train on the tracks. After listening for as long as I could, I decided to put some thoughts to paper and see if I can, in my tiny little way, put some sense to the fiscal issues now facing us. What I would like to do is to address some of these issues from a language point of view rather than a simple ideological standpoint. When I get tired of this methodology I will stop and you can all chuckle that I did it again and now I guess "he" (me, will go back into hibernation.
One of the loudest and most imitated phrases is perhaps the most ironic since it originates from the political right whose voice is always there to protect the business persons and entrepreneurs in or society. See if you recognize it…it goes something like this…"We cannot tax the wealthy because they are the ones who create jobs"… and presumably stop creating jobs if they were taxed the same as everyone else. If discussions with my son, a holder of a Master's Degree in Business Administration, the almighty "MBA." It was agreed that rich folks may or may not actually own a business that employs workers. If they do own a business, ask them why they actually own their firm. I assure you not one of them will say they entered the world of business so they could make jobs. They entered business so that could "Make Money." Employees are just one of the tools they use to "make money." In fact, emerging data has shown that businesses are sitting on $3 Trillion dollars and are many of these businesses are actively pursuing the opportunity that these large bank allow in enabling them to review their work procedures to determine where they can automate or combine functions and thus make even "more money" at the expense of their current work force. So with all the money they are accumulating from extraordinary tax breaks given by our Right Wing polls, they are discovering even more ways to lay off mote workers and not REPEAT not actively pursuing increasing job opportunities for living, breathing worker.
Here comes another one. "If you raise taxes, you will create even more unemployment." We listen to this one about twenty times a day. I'll make this one short since it speaks for itself. Under the leadership President Clinton, 31 million new jobs were created even though President Clinton, against the wishes of his Republican Congress, raised taxes three times and still managed to leave office with a huge cash surplus. George Bush Jr., in the period time, eight years, created only three million new jobs while decreasing taxes on almost everyone but especially the wealthy. That's 28 million fewer jobs for my mathematically challenged friends, and he did this with a virtual blank checkbook afforded him by his right wing majority congressional support. This once again brings into question the whole idea of giving huge tax breaks to the wealthy to allegedly spur job growth.
"What these country needs is a balanced budget amendment to the US Constitution."
Americans do not live by the concept of a balanced budget but folks in the Tea Party goof balls will try to convince you that we do. If you are making payments on a house, car, school loan or credit card account, you NOT living within the precepts of a balanced budget. Actually latest statistics show that over 50% of all Americans are three pay checks away from being homeless. In other words, if they stopped receiving their weekly, bi-weekly or monthly paychecks for the next three pay periods, they would face fiscal destruction. So much for living on a balanced budget. Now let's look at the Federal Government attempting live with the fact that 3/4th of the entire United States agrees with the idea of a balanced budget in the US. Things might seem serene and uncomplicated for a week or two but the first shot fired across our bow by and enemy force will destroy all of those nice warm and fuzzies. Under a balanced budget, where does the Government come up with a sudden expense of about a billion dollars a day to execute our sudden armed conflict? How about a Katrina sized hurricane, BP oil leak, awarm of mid-West tornados and similar "acts of God." Where does the money come from to handle these I internal emergencies? How about another round of Wall Street greed and monetary mis-management. Whose going to pay the bill for another round of that type of mess?
OK…put your English grammar books away and take out your Grimm's Fairy Tales and rejoin the world monstrous headlines just oozing mis-information downright lies. Sleep well tonight knowing that people like Michelle Bachman really do believe they can actually lead this country. She has obviously been reading too many fairy tales.
I'm done now…